2 min read
22 Apr

Do You Ever Think About Me It had been years since we last saw one another. I felt somewhat uncomfortable by this chance meeting.  I didn't remember if we parted on good terms.  I knew   the majority of my relationships ended with profanities being screamed at me, various cooking utensils were thrown with the intention of  causing severe bodily injury,  the occasional death threats and I was shot at more times than I care to mention.  Odds are our  breakup  wasn't at all cordial. The conversation seemed  awkward with both of us searching for something to say during  a couple of instances of  uncomfortable silence.   "What if I might ask, are you doing back in New Orleans? You don't live here do you?" She asked. " No, just visiting. I've got some business to attend to that'll take a few days. Then I'll be heading to Tucson to see my children."" You still refer to your illegal transportation of contraband a business. You must think I'm stupid or suffer from brain damage."" I never told you my work is illegal.  I'd prefer not to discuss the subject any longer.""Fair enough. Are you still hanging around with that degenerate friend, Johnny Rico?" " As a matter of fact he's getting a haircut right now. I'm waiting for him to be done. And you know Johnny has never had a bad word to say about you. Whenever he made a comment referring to your character he always expressed your personality in  a favorable light."" You're absolutely correct. I was demonstrating displaced aggression, when you're the one I'm upset with.  I didn't intend to act like  a bitch.""It's forgotten. You can't help being you." " That was not the correct response to my comment if you intend to get back on my good side." Explaining herself without actually accepting blame." So which side is your good side? I can't figure it out."" Listen up smart ass, you're pushing the envelope. Better watch your words."There was a question I wanted to ask but I knew it wouldn't be a good idea. It just wasn't the right time, especially after sabotaging our chance encounter. So of course I went ahead and asked anyway." Do you ever think about me?" " Yes I do." She quickly answered. "More than I'd care to admit."I smiled, feeling somewhat flattered."Although, you should know that when I do think of you the thoughts aren't complimentary. I just don't have any good memories of our time together.""What do you mean? I remember wonderful times when we lived together in… ahh."  "What's wrong? Do you have me mixed up with one of your floozies? We lived together here in New Orleans genius. Then you took off to Costa Rica and abandoned me without ever contacting me again.  Does that sound at all familiar to you? Do you even remember my name? Tell me, what it is." Expressing her frustration." I don't know what I was thinking.  My memory has been experiencing a glitch lately. Of course I remember your name. What do you take me for? You never gave me a chance to explain. When I got back you had moved. Your number was disconnected and the people you worked with at the Herb Shoppe wouldn't give me any information." " That's possibly true. They knew how hurt I was by the way you treated me."" I didn't intend to hurt you in any way. I apologize if I caused you emotional pain, Simone."" So you do remember my name? And now you can forget it because there will never be a need to say it again."Then with a confident expression she turned, walked away and  never looked back, without even saying Goodbye.I walked the short distance to the Barbershop where I noticed Johnny standing outside carrying on a conversation with three New Orleans Cops. I could hear the distinct sound of Johnny's laughter along with the Cops adding to the chorus of merriment. Johnny introduced me to the three female Crescent City Law Officers. We talked for five minutes or so and bid the ladies good fortune and farewell. I hollered out  my TV show quote, "Y'all be careful out there." They smiled, then waved, disappearing around the corner." Hey, you'll never guess who I bumped into at Audubon park.""That Witch  you live with here, with a man's name. Simon I think and she stick doll with  pins making Voodoo on you.  I am right?""  Ya Simone, you're right, sometimes you really amaze me. It didn't go well. She always had a tendency to be derogatory and condescending."" If those words mean act like a bitch then now you are right. How many times I tell you she is a bitch but worse than that she was a bruja, Witch. But she is a very pretty Witch."Well, so I guess you figured out that I was less than truthful when telling Simone Johnny has never spoken a derogatory word about her. I'm a little concerned about how she will feel about our meeting. I certainly hope not to experience any sharp stabbing pains like I felt after our initial breakup. Maybe I should have been more courteous. Screw it, I don't believe in Witchcraft. Ouch!
Word Count 880JSB