Awesome Gang Interview

Judge Santiago Burdon

Interview With Author Judge Santiago BurdonTell us about yourself and how many books you have written.

I’m just a fellow from the south side of Chicago. I’ve made many bad decisions in my lifetime. Although I realized bad decisions make interesting stories.

5 books containing stories of adventurous mayhem have been published by 3 different publishers. My 6th book is due to be launched in June. I live modestly in Costa Rica and will be 70 years old this July.What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Tequilas Bad Advice Poetry With The Worm

There were a bunch of unfinished poems taunting me. My recent publisher suggested I get my ass in gear and finish them. He was eager to publisher them since my first book of poems, Not Real Poetry was well received.Do you have any unusual writing habits?

I seem to be more prolific writing during the night. Darkness and I have been acquaintaned for years. I appreciate the company of night time and the comfort it affords me.What authors, or books have influenced you?

I studied Victorian Authors and Novels but the influence on my writing is minimal. The Beat Authors took my creative talent hostage. Also I met Mike Royko when I’m high school I admired his writing.What are you working on now?

A nonfiction novel Imitation of Myself which tells of my experiences will working as a drug smuggler for a Mexican Cartel.

Also a collection of short stories Lords Of The Afterglow Renegades and Noblemen.What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?

Listing on Facebook and Writing Groups. Indie Reader Goodreads and any other marketing vehicle availableDo you have any advice for new authors?

I don’t give advice. But I will make a suggestion.

If you intend to make writing your vocation make sure you have a mirror available so you can watch yourself starve to death.What is the best advice you have ever heard?

After my divorce near Christmas I missed my children and my dog. I was in the company of a buddy crying about how depressed I was. He spoke like a prophet.” Get over it”What are you reading now?

Guilty of Everything

HenckeWhat’s next for you as a writer?

Disciphering if I want to continue feeding this curse of writing. Its appetite is insatiable.If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?

How escape from a desert island.

Robinson Crusoe

Tale of Two Cities

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